Latest News & Pres Releases




A promising start

February 2016: Hip-company is starting sales. Read article (in danish)





Danish Launch

October 2015: X-pander achieves CE-mark and is launched on the Danish market.



June 2015: After four yeas of hard work and extensive documentation Medichanical Engineering is ready to launch X-pander. Read the full article (in danish)





Chasing millions in profit

May 2014: The venture capital funds Seed Capital and Wellfare Tech Invest have invested in a
product that reduces the number of revisions in hip surgery.


Together the two venture funds have invested DKK 5,5 million in Medichanical Enginering. Their product
“X-pander” is a surgical tool that insures fewer re-operations and saves costs associated with hip-implant surgery.


Read the full article (in danish) at





Optimized design

March 2012: X-pander has been re-designed to meet the requirements of the surgeons performing clinical trials. A new and slimmer version is ready. In the on-going clinical trial, the X-pander principle is receiving positive feedback from the involved surgeons who believe X-pander is providing new and useful information. However, it has been indicated that the X-pander handle in its original design is “oversized”, making it difficult to get a clear vision into the pelvic bone when X-pander is in use.


Medichanical Engineering has reacted to this and designed a new and slimmer version of the handle – now allowing a clear vision into the pelvic cavity. The design changes do not change anything to the way X-pander measures the cavity. The new versions have been set in production and are expected ready for clinical trials from mid-May 2012.





Seed Capital invests into more succesfull hip surgeries

October 2011: SEED Capital has invested in Medichanical Engineering; the company developing the surgical tool X-Pander. The tool can with a a few minutes of use decrease the number of anchoring errors in hip surgery by half and will make it easier and faster for the surgeon to prepare for an operation. Read the full article...



Det er vildt, at vi kan få så meget kvalificeret rådgivning gratis

August 2011: Ingeniør Eske Petersen har sammen med en tidligere medstuderende og en kirurg fra Region Nordjylland udviklet et helt unikt apparat, som kan gøre livet meget nemmere for såvel hoftepatienter, som de læger, der skal operere dem. Read the full article...



Nyt måleinstrument skal revolutionere hofteoperationer

February 19 2011, Ingeniøren: Ingeniørstuderende fra Aalborg har sammen med en kirurg udviklet et instrument, der kan sikre, at en hofteprotese passer i knoglen på patienten Read the full article...





Bedre hofteproteser med patenteret måleinstrument

October 10 2010, Ingiøren: Hvis du eller én af dine nærmeste på et tidspunkt får brug for en ny hofte, vil du måske sende en venlig tanke til to tidligere ingeniørstuderende fra Aalborg. Det kan nemlig meget vel være deres skyld, at fremtidens proteser passer langt bedre ind i den bækkenknogle, hvor protesen skal fastgøres Read the full article....





Danmarks bedste iværksættere

April 9 2008, Dansk Erhverv: Teamet bag Immutell fra Århus Universitet kan det næste år frem kalde sig Danmarksmester i iværksætteri på universitetsniveau. For nylig fik teamet overrakt førstepræmien i finalen i universiteternes iværksætterkonkurrence Venture Cup Read the full article....



Opfindelse redder hoftepatienter

Juni 3 2008, Nordjyske:To tidligere studerende og en overlæge står bag et helt nyt instrument, der vil gøre det væsentligt sikrere for hofte- og knæpatienter at få indopereret proteser Read the full article....